The Lion's Share


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A lion, a fox, a jackal, and a wolf went on a hunt together one day. They worked hard all day but were unable to locate anything satisfactory. They were only able to catch a deer in the late afternoon. The four monsters encircled the poor creature and slaughtered it as quickly as they could. Then they made the decision to share their meal.

The lion was the lord of the jungle and the strongest of all animals. As a result, when he offered that everyone share the meal, the other critters agreed.

The lion said, placing one of its paws on the dead animal,

"You see, it is my right as a member of the hunting party to receive one of these pieces."

The others agreed with a nod."But then again, I am the Beast King. So I'll have to wait a little longer "he exclaimed.

The others exchanged uneasy glances.

"Plus, I was in charge of the hunt. As a result, I think I'm entitled to a little more "declared he.

The others murmured something, but no one could hear it.

"As for the fourth stake, if you want to dispute with me about who owns it, go ahead and start arguing, and we'll see who gets it."

The others mumbled, "Humph." With their heads bowed, they went away. They realized that arguing about their shares was fruitless.

You can share the fruits of the great's labors, but not the spoils.

Fable - Tortoise and The Hare; The famous story of the tortoise and the hare and the race they had.



The hare used to brag about how fast he was compared to the other animals. ""When I put up my utmost speed, I have never been beaten," he said. Anyone here who wants to race with me is welcome to do so."

"I accept your challenge," the tortoise remarked gently.

"That's a good joke," the hare said. "I could dance all the way around you."

Hare and tortoise

"Keep boasting till you've beaten," the turtle said. "Do you want to race?"

As a result, a course was set and work began. The hare dashed practically out of sight at first, but soon came to a halt and laid down to nap, demonstrating his contempt for the tortoise.When the hare awoke from his siesta, he spotted the tortoise approaching the finish line and realized he wouldn't be able to catch up in time to salvage the race.

Plodding is the winner of the race.



Tales - The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams



Once upon a time, there was a velveteen rabbit that was quite magnificent. His coat was speckled brown and white, he had real thread whiskers, and his ears were lined with pink sateen, as a rabbit should be. The effect was charming on Christmas morning, when he sat jammed at the top of the Boy's stocking, a sprig of holly between his paws.

Other items in the stocking included nuts, oranges, and a toy engine, as well as chocolate almonds and a clockwork mouse, but the Rabbit was the greatest of them all. The Boy loved him for at least two hours, and then Aunts and Uncles came to supper, and there was a tremendous rustling of tissue paper and unwrapping of parcels, and the Velveteen Rabbit was forgotten in the excitement of looking at all the new presents.

He lived in the toy cabinet or on the nursery floor for a long time, and no one gave him much thought. He was naturally bashful, and because he was only made of velveteen, he was shunned by some of the more costly toys. The mechanical toys were superior to everyone else, looking down on them; they were full of current ideas and purported to be real. The model boat, which had survived two seasons and had lost most of his paint, picked up on their tone and never missed an occasion to use technical phrases to describe his rigging. 

The Rabbit couldn't claim to be a model of anything since he had no idea that genuine rabbits existed; he assumed they were all stuffed with sawdust like him, and he knew that sawdust was out-of-date and should never be spoken in modern circles. Even Timothy, the jointed wooden lion created by handicapped troops and who should have had a larger perspective, put on airs and purported to be affiliated with the government. The poor tiny Rabbit was made to feel unimportant and banal by them all, and the Skin Horse was the only one who was friendly to him at all.

The Skin Horse had been in the nursery longer than any of the other horses. He was so ancient that most of the hairs on his tail had been plucked out to string bead necklaces, and his brown coat was bald in spots and showed the seams underneath. He was wise, for he had watched a long line of mechanical toys arrive to brag and strut, only to break their mainsprings and die, and he knew they were only toys that would never become anything else. Because nursery magic is strange and lovely, only those playthings who are ancient, smart, and experienced, such as the Skin Horse, really comprehend it.

"What is REAL?" the Rabbit inquired one day as they lay side by side beside the nursery fender, waiting for Nana to tidy the room. "Does that imply that you have things buzzing inside you and a protruding handle?"

"Real isn't how you're built," the Skin Horse explained. "It is something that occurs to you. You become Real when a child loves you for a long time, not only to play with, but REALLY loves you."

"Does it hurt?" the Rabbit inquired.

The Skin Horse, who was always truthful, said, "Sometimes." "You don't mind being harmed when you're Real."

"Does it happen all at once, like being wound up, or does it happen little by bit?" he wondered.

"It doesn't all happen at once," the Skin Horse explained. "You develop. It takes a long time to complete. That's why it doesn't happen very often to people who are prone to breaking, have sharp edges, or must be kept properly. By the time you're Real, most of your hair has been loved off, your eyes have dropped out, and your joints have become loose and shabby. But none of this matters, because once you're Real, you can't be ugly unless you're talking to people who don't get it."

The Rabbit asked, "I believe you're Real?" He suddenly wished he hadn't said anything because he suspected the Skin Horse was sensitive. The Skin Horse, on the other hand, merely smiled.

He explained, "The Boy's Uncle made me Real." "That was a long time ago, but once you're Real, you can't go back to being unreal. It lasts indefinitely."

The Rabbit let out a sigh. He assumed it would be a long time before he encountered this Real magic. He yearned to be Real, to feel what it was like, but the prospect of becoming shabby and losing his eyes and whiskers was depressing. He wished he could transform into it without having to go through all of these unpleasant experiences.

When the Boy went to bed one night, the ceramic dog that had typically slept with him was nowhere to be found. Nana was in a hurry, and looking for china dogs before sleep was too much trouble, so she simply looked around her and made a swoop when she discovered the toy cabinet door was open.

""Here, take your old Bunny!" she said. He'll go to any length to sleep with you!" She then brought the Rabbit out by one ear and placed him in the arms of the Boy.

The Velveteen Rabbit stayed in the Boy's bed that night, and for many nights after. The Boy gripped him very tightly at first, and he rolled over on him, and he pressed him so far beneath the pillow that the Rabbit could barely breathe. He also missed those long moonlight hours in the nursery, when the entire house was silent, as well as his conversations with the Skin Horse. But he soon warmed up to it, for the Boy used to chat to him and make him wonderful tunnels under the bedclothes that he claimed were just like the burrows that genuine rabbits lived in. When Nana had gone to her supper and left the nightlight glowing on the mantelpiece, they had wonderful games together in whispers. And when the Boy went to sleep, the Rabbit would snuggle up beneath his little warm chin and dream all night, with the Boy's hands clenched tightly around him.

So time passed, and the tiny Rabbit was so happy that he didn't see his beautiful velveteen fur shabbier and shabbier, his tail coming unsewn, and all the pink rubbing off his nose where the Boy had kissed him.

Spring arrived, and they spent their days in the garden of The Velveteen Rabbit, where the Rabbit accompanied the Boy wherever he went. He had wheelbarrow rides, picnics on the grass, and magnificent fairy homes created for him behind the flower border under the raspberry canes.

When the Boy was called away unexpectedly to go out to tea, the Rabbit was left out on the lawn until well after dusk, and Nana had to come out with the candle to look for him because the Boy couldn't sleep unless he was there. Nana groaned as she brushed him off with a corner of her apron, damp from the dew and somewhat earthy from plunging into the burrows the Boy had dug for him in the flower bed.

She exclaimed, "You must have your old Bunny!" "What a lot of fuss for a toy!"

The Boy sat up in bed, stretching his arms out.

He exclaimed, "Give me my Bunny!" "That's something you can't say. He isn't a toy in any way. He's the real deal!"

When the tiny Rabbit heard this, he was overjoyed because he realized that what the Skin Horse had stated was, at long last, correct. He'd experienced the nursery magic and was no longer a toy. He was the real deal. It had been said by the Boy himself.

That night, he was almost too delighted to sleep, and his little sawdust heart was nearly burst with love.

And there came a look of wisdom and beauty into his boot-button eyes, which had long since lost their polish, so that Nana noticed it the next morning when she took him up and said, "I declare if that old Bunny hasn't got quite a knowing expression!"

That's been a fantastic summer!

There was a wood near their house where they resided, and the Boy liked to go there after tea to play on the long June evenings. He always carried the Velveteen Rabbit with him, and before he went off to collect flowers or play brigands in the trees, he created the Rabbit a little nest somewhere amid the bracken, where he could be quite comfortable, for he was a kind-hearted little boy who loved Bunny to be comfortable. One evening, while the Rabbit lay alone in the grass, watching the ants dart back and forth between his velvet paws, he noticed two unusual beings emerge from the tall bracken nearby.

They were rabbits, just like him, but hairy and brand-new. They had to be in great shape. Outside created, the Velveteen Rabbit's seams didn't show at all, and they changed shape in a funny way when they moved; one minute they were long and thin, the next fat and bunchy, instead of staying the same as he did. Their soft paws padded on the ground, and they moved up close to him, twitching their noses, while the Rabbit peered intently to see which side of the clockwork protruded, for he knew that people who jump usually have something to wind them up. He couldn't see it, though. They were clearly a different breed of rabbit.

They all looked at him, and the small Rabbit returned their stares. Their nostrils twitched the entire time.

One of them said, "Why don't you get up and play with us?"

"I don't feel like it," the Rabbit answered, not wanting to admit that he didn't have any clockwork.

The fluffy bunny exclaimed, "Ho!" "It's as simple as that." He then hopped sideways and stood up on his hind legs.

"I don't think you can!" he exclaimed.

The young Rabbit exclaimed, "I can!" "I can jump higher than anything!" exclaims the narrator. He was referring to when the Boy threw him, but he didn't want to admit it.

The fluffy bunny inquired, "Can you hop on your hind legs?"

That was a terrible question, because the Velveteen Rabbit didn't have any rear legs! Like a pincushion, his back was constructed entirely of one piece. He waited motionless in the bracken, hoping the other bunnies would go unnoticed.

"I don't want to!" he exclaimed once more.

Wild rabbits, on the other hand, have extremely acute eyes. This one, on the other hand, stretched out his neck and gazed.

"He doesn't have any hind legs!" he exclaimed. "How about a rabbit with no hind legs?" And then he started laughing.

"I've done it!" exclaimed the small Rabbit. "I now have hind legs! I'm on top of them!"

"Then stretch them out and show me," the wild rabbit exclaimed. And he started spinning around and dancing, making the small Rabbit dizzy.

He stated, "I don't like dancing." "I'd rather sit still!" says the narrator.

But he was itching to dance because a strange new tickly sensation surged through him, and he felt he would give anything to be able to bounce around like these bunnies.

The odd rabbit got very near to stopping dancing. His long whiskers grazed the Velveteen Rabbit's ear this time, and then he wrinkled his nose, flattened his ears, and sprang backwards.

He shouted, "He doesn't smell right!" "He isn't even a bunny! He's not the real deal!"

""I am Real!" exclaimed the little Rabbit. That's what the Boy said!" And he was on the verge of crying.

The Boy rushed past them with a stamp of feet and a flash of white tails, and the two odd rabbits vanished with a stamp of feet and a flash of white tails.

The young Rabbit shouted out, "Come back and play with me!" "Oh, do came back! I am certain that I am genuine!"

But there was no response; just the little ants went back and forth, and the bracken gently moved where the two visitors had passed. The Velveteen Rabbit was alone in the world.

"Oh, dear!" he exclaimed. "Why did they flee in such a frantic manner? Why couldn't they just come to a halt and talk to me?" He remained motionless for a long time, watching the bracken and hoping they would return. But they never came back, and as the sun got lower in the sky and the little white moths flew away, the Boy appeared and escorted him home.

Weeks passed, and the little Rabbit got old and ragged, but the Boy still adored him. He adored him so much that he shaved off all of his whiskers, turning the pink lining of his ears grey and fading his brown spots.

Except for the Boy, he began to lose his shape, and he no longer resembled a rabbit. He was always lovely to him, and that was all that mattered to the tiny Rabbit. He didn't care how he appeared to others since the nursery magic had made him Real, and shabbiness didn't matter when you're Real.

Then the Boy became ill one day.

His cheeks flushed, he talked while sleeping, and his small body was so hot that it burnt the Rabbit when he held him close. Strangers came and went in the nursery, and a light shone all night, and the little Velveteen Rabbit lay there, concealed beneath the bedclothes, and he never moved, for he was asleep. The Velveteen Rabbit adores the boy and patiently awaits his arrival. He was afraid that if they discovered him, someone would kidnap him, and he knew that the Boy needed him.

It was a long, exhausting period since the Boy was too ill to play, and the small Rabbit was bored with having nothing to do all day. But he cuddled down contentedly, anticipating the day when the Boy would be well enough to go out in the garden with the flowers and butterflies, and they would play magnificent games in the raspberry thicket like they used to. He had a lot of fun plans, and he snuck up close to the Boy's pillow and whispered them in his ear while he was partly asleep. And then the fever subsided, and the Boy began to feel better.

While the small Rabbit cuddled close by his side, he was able to sit up in bed and gaze at picture books. They finally let him get up and dress one day.

The windows were wide open because it was a bright, sunny morning. The small Rabbit lay tangled up among the bedclothes, wondering, while they brought the Boy out onto the balcony, covered in a shawl.

The Boy was planning on going to the beach the next day. Everything was in place, and all that was left was to follow the doctor's orders. They spoke about everything while the little Rabbit listened from beneath the bedclothes, with only his head peeking out.

All of the books and toys that the Boy had played with in bed were to be burned, and the room was to be cleansed.

"Hurrah!" exclaimed the small Rabbit. "We're going to the beach tomorrow!" For the Boy had often mentioned going to the beach, and he was eager to witness the large waves crashing, as well as the small crabs and sand castles.

Nana happened to notice him at that same moment.

She inquired, "How about his old Bunny?"

"That?" the doctor inquired. "It's a swarm of scarlet fever germs, after all!— It should be burned right away. What? Nonsense! Purchase a new one for him. That's something he can't have anymore!"

As a result, the small Rabbit was stuffed into a sack with old picture books and a bunch of trash and hauled out to the fowl-back house's end of the garden. That would have been a lovely spot for a campfire, but the gardener was too preoccupied at the time. He had potatoes to dig and green peas to pick, but he vowed to come early the next morning to burn everything.

The Boy slept in a separate room that night, and he had a new bunny to sleep with. It was a lovely bunny, all white plush with actual glass eyes, but the Boy was far too enthralled to notice.

Because he was going to the beach tomorrow, and it was such a great thing in and of itself that he couldn't think of anything else.

And while the Boy was sleeping, dreaming of the sea, the small Rabbit sat alone in the corner behind the fowlhouse, among the old picture books. Because the sack had been left untied, he was able to get his head through the opening and gaze out by wriggling a little. He was shivering somewhat since he had grown accustomed to sleeping in a proper bed, and his coat had become so thin and threadbare from hugging that it no longer provided any protection.

He could see the thicket of raspberry canes nearby, which grew tall and close together like a tropical jungle, and in whose shade he had played with the Boy on previous mornings. He felt a wave of grief wash over him as he remembered those long, sunny hours in the garden, and how wonderful they had been. The fairy cottages in the flower-bed, the calm evenings in the woods when he lay in the bracken and the small ants ran over his paws; the magnificent day when he first realized he was Real all seemed to pass before him, each more beautiful than the last. He remembered the Skin Horse, who was smart and gentle, and everything he'd told him. What was the point of being loved, losing one's attractiveness, and becoming Real if it all ended up like this? And a tear, a genuine tear, ran down his shabby velvet nose and onto the ground.

Then something unusual happened. Because where the tear had dropped, a mysterious flower came out of the ground, unlike any other bloom in the garden. It had emerald-green narrow leaves and a golden cup-shaped flower in the center of the leaves. The scene was so lovely that the tiny Rabbit forgot to cry and simply lay there admiring it. And then the blossom burst open, and a fairy emerged from it.

She was the most beautiful fairy on the planet. Her gown was made of pearls and dewdrops, and she had flowers around her neck and in her hair, and her face was as lovely as any flower. And she approached the tiny Rabbit, scooping him up in her arms and kissing him. The gorgeous fairy adds to the story's charm. on his velveteen nose, which was dripping wet from crying

"Don't you know who I am, Little Rabbit?" she asked.

The Rabbit raised his eyes to her, and he realized he had seen her face before, but he couldn't recall where.

"I am the Nursery Magic Fairy," she introduced herself. "I look after all of the toys that the kids have enjoyed. When they are old and worn out, and the children no longer require them, I come along and take them away, transforming them into Real."

"Wasn't I Real before?" the Rabbit wondered.

""You were Real to the Boy because he loved you," the Fairy explained. You must now be honest with everyone."

And she flew into the woods with the little Rabbit clutched in her arms.

Because the moon had risen, it was now light. The forest looked stunning, and the bracken fronds glistened like iced silver. Wild rabbits danced with their shadows on the velvet grass in the wide glade between the tree trunks, but when they noticed the Fairy, they all stopped dancing and formed a ring around her to stare at her.

The Fairy remarked, "I've brought you a new playfellow." "You must be very friendly to him and teach him everything he needs to know about Rabbitland, for he will live with you for the rest of his life!"

She kissed the tiny Rabbit once more and placed him on the grass.

She exclaimed, "Run and play, little Rabbit!"

The tiny Rabbit, on the other hand, sat motionless for a long time. Because he suddenly remembered his hind legs when he saw all the wild rabbits dancing about him, and he didn't want them to realize that he was created entirely of one piece. He had no idea that the last time the Fairy kissed him, she had completely transformed him. And he might have stayed there for a long time, too afraid to move, if something hadn't scratched his nose just then, and he lifted his hind toe to scratch it before he realized what he was doing.

He also discovered that he had hind legs! He had brown fur that was velvety and lustrous instead of the drab velveteen, his ears twitched on their own, and his whiskers were so long that they brushed the grass. He took one leap and was so delighted to be able to use his hind legs that he went springing about the lawn on them, jumping sideways and whirling around like the others, and he became so enthralled that when he finally stopped to search for the Fairy, she was vanished.

He was now a Real Rabbit, living among the other bunnies.

Autumn, Winter, and Spring came and went, and the Boy went out to play in the woods behind the house as the days grew warmer and sunnier. Two rabbits crept out of the bracken and peered at him while he was playing. The one was brown all over, while the other had peculiar marks under his fur, as if he'd been spotted before and the spots were still visible. And there was something familiar about his little soft nose and his round black eyes, so the Boy thought to himself:

"He reminds me of my old Bunny, who I lost when I had scarlet fever!"

But he had no idea it was his own Bunny, returning to look at the youngster who had first assisted him in becoming Real.

Integrated Circuit (IC)


Previously, circuits were huge and cumbersome, consisting of circuit components such as resistors, capacitors, inductors, transistors, diodes, and other components coupled by copper wires. This aspect limited the circuits' use to large machinery. With these large circuits, it was impossible to make small and compact appliances. Furthermore, they were not completely shockproof or dependable.


Necessity, as they say, is the mother of all inventions. As a result, smaller circuits with greater power and safety were needed to be integrated into gadgets. Three American scientists created transistors, which greatly simplified things, but the creation of integrated circuits completely transformed the face of electronics technology.

History of IC invention

In 1960, the first monolithic planar integrated circuit (IC) chip was demonstrated. When German physicist and engineer Werner Jacobi developed and patented the first known integrated transistor amplifier in 1949, and British radio engineer Geoffrey Dummer proposed to integrate a variety of standard electronic components in a monolithic semiconductor crystal in 1952, the idea of integrating electronic circuits into a single device was born. Harwick Johnson submitted a patent for a prototype IC a year later. Sidney Darlington and Yasuo Tarui (Electrotechnical Laboratory) presented comparable chip designs between 1953 and 1957, in which many transistors shared a single active region but were not electrically isolated from one another.Until late 1958, when a breakthrough occurred, these concepts could not be applied by the industry. Three people from three different businesses in the United States addressed three key issues that were preventing the fabrication of integrated circuits. Texas Instruments' Jack Kilby patented the integration idea, developed the first prototype ICs, and marketed them. Kilby's innovation was a hybrid integrated circuit (hybrid IC) chip, as opposed to a monolithic integrated circuit (monolithic IC) chip. Kurt Lehovec of Sprague Electric Company invented p–n junction isolation to electrically isolate components on a semiconductor crystal between late 1958 and early 1959. Fairchild Semiconductor's Robert Noyce designed the first monolithic IC chip. He presented a better form of insulation based on Jean Hoerni's planar process technology and established a means to link the IC components (aluminum metallization). A group of Jay Last's at Fairchild Semiconductor built the first working semiconductor IC on September 27, 1960, based on Noyce and Hoerni's concepts. The patent for Kilby's innovation was held by Texas Instruments, which initiated a patent dispute that ended in 1966 with a cross-licensing deal. Who created the IC is a point of contention. Kilby, Lehovec, Noyce, and Hoerni were named by the American press in the 1960s; the list was condensed to Kilby and Noyce in the 1970s. Kilby received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2000 "for his contribution to the creation of the integrated circuit." Historians Leslie Berlin, Bo Lojek, and Arjun Saxena resurrected the notion of many IC inventors in the 2000s and amended Kilby's contribution. Rather of Kilby's hybrid IC, modern IC chips are built on Noyce's monolithic IC.

An integrated circuit, often known as an IC, is a compact semiconductor chip that contains a whole circuit. When compared to ordinary circuits, which are built up of distinct circuit components, it is extremely compact. Monolithic integrated circuits are the most frequent type of IC.

An Integrated Circuit (IC) is a microchip that contains thousands or hundreds of electrical components such as resistors, capacitors, and transistors. Oscillators, amplifiers, microprocessors, timers, and computer memory are all examples of ICs.

An integrated circuit is created using certain logic techniques and circuit designs. The two types of IC design are as follows:

Analog Design

Digital Design

Mixed Design

Digital Design: The digital design approach is used to create ICs that are utilized as computer memory (such as RAM and ROM). This style of design guarantees that the circuit density and overall efficiency are maximized. This approach is used to develop ICs that deal with binary input data such as 0 and 1. The stages involved in creating digital integrated circuits are depicted in the diagram below.

Analog Design :The analog design process is used to build integrated chips that are utilized as oscillators, filters, and regulators. When power dissipation, gain, and resistance must be ideal, this design technique is utilized.

Mixed Design :The analog and digital design ideas are combined in mixed design. Digital to Analog converters, Analog to Digital converters (D/A and A/D converters), and clock/timing ICs are all included in the mixed ICs.

A complicated layering of semiconductors, coppers, and other associated materials forms resistors, transistors, and other components in an integrated circuit. A die is a collection of these wafers that has been sliced and molded.The ICs' semiconductor wafers are delicate, and the connections between the layers are extremely complex. The ICs are packed because the IC die is too tiny to solder and connect to. The IC packaging transforms the fragile and small die into a recognizable black chip.The integrated circuit is encased in an IC package, which converts it into a device that can be readily connected. There are several varieties of packaging, each with its own size and mounting options. All integrated circuits (ICs) are polarized, and each pin in an IC has its own position and purpose. The first pin on integrated chips is indicated by a notch or a dot.Following the identification of the first pin, the subsequent PINs grow in counterclockwise order around the chip.

Semiconducting materials, such as silicon, are used to make integrated circuits. Because the integrated chip is so small and delicate, it is attached to a series oftiny gold and aluminum wires before being molded into a flat block of plastic or ceramic. Metal pins on the outside of the block connect to the wires within. The solid block keeps the chip cold and protects it from overheating.

IC's size

The integrated chip's size ranges from 1 square mm to more than 200 mm.

 IC's integration

Integrated chips receive their name from the fact that they integrate several devices on a single chip. A microcontroller is an integrated circuit (IC) that combines a microprocessor, memory, and interface into a single device.

Logic Gate Integrated Circuits

Logic gate integrated circuits (ICs) are combinational circuits that provide a logical output from a variety of input signals. Two to three inputs are possible, but only one output is possible.

ICs for timers

A Timer IC is made with precise timing cycles and a duty cycle of either 100% or 50%.

Amplifiers for Operational Use

An OpAmp, or Operational Amplifier, is a voltage amplifier with a high gain and a single-ended output that has a differential input.

Regulators of voltage

A voltage regulator IC maintains a steady DC output regardless of the DC input.

Integrated circuits changed the electronic industry, paving the way for gadgets like computers, CD players, TVs, and a slew of other household goods. Furthermore, the widespread use of chips aided in the dissemination of modern electronic gadgets to all corners of the globe. 

Li Fi Technology


LiFi is a wireless communication technique that sends data and coordinates between devices using light. During a 2011 TED Global address in Edinburgh, Harald Haas coined the phrase.

 At his 2011 TED Global Talk, Professor Harald Haas invented the term "Li-Fi," introducing the concept of "wireless data from every light." He is a co-founder of pureLiFi with Dr. Mostafa Afgani and is a Professor of Mobile Communications at the University of Edinburgh.

The technology is comparable to Wi-Fi in terms of end usage, with the main technological distinction being that Wi-Fi transmits data by inducing a voltage in an antenna using radio frequency, whereas Li-Fi transmits data by modulating light intensity. Li-Fi has the potential to carry data at rates of up to 100 Gbit/s in theory. The capacity of Li-Fi to operate securely in environments that are otherwise sensitive to electromagnetic interference (e.g., airline cabins, hospitals, and military) is a benefit. Several groups throughout the world are working on the technology.


Li-Fi is a light communication technology that can carry data at high rates throughout the visible, ultraviolet, and infrared spectrums. Only LED bulbs can transmit data in visible light at the moment. In a similar way to Wi-Fi, Li-Fi is a derivation of optical wireless communications (OWC) technology, which employs light from light-emitting diodes (LEDs) as a medium to enable network, mobile, high-speed communication. From 2013 to 2018, the Li-Fi market was expected to increase at an annual pace of 82 percent, reaching a value of more than $6 billion. However, the business has not evolved as expected, and Li-Fi remains a niche sector used mostly to evaluate technologies.

Visible light communications (VLC) operates by rapidly switching the current to the LEDs off and on, too quickly for the human eye to see, therefore there is no flickering. Although Li-Fi LEDs must be turned on to transfer data, they may be dimmed to below human vision while still providing enough light to transmit data. When using the visible spectrum, this is also a key bottleneck of the technology because it is limited to lighting and not well suited to mobile communication. Handover technologies, which allow roaming between different Li-Fi cells, may allow for a smooth transition between Li-Fi. Light waves cannot pass through barriers, resulting in a far narrower range and lesser hacking potential than Wi-Fi. Li-Fi does not require a direct line of sight to broadcast a signal; light reflected off walls may attain 70 Mbit/s. Li-Fi has the advantage of not creating electromagnetic interference in electromagnetic sensitive places such as airline cabins, hospitals, and nuclear power plants.  Both Wi-Fi and Li-Fi use the electromagnetic spectrum to transport data, however Li-Fi employs visible, ultraviolet, and infrared light, whereas Wi-Fi uses radio waves. While the US Federal Communications Commission has warned of a future spectrum crisis due to Wi-near-full Fi's capacity, Li-Fi has almost no capacity constraints. The visible light spectrum is 10,000 times bigger than the radio frequency spectrum as a whole. Researchers were able to achieve data speeds of about 224 Gbit/s, which was far faster than average high-speed internet in 2013. The cost of Li-Fi is predicted to be 10 times lower than that of Wi-Fi. The disadvantages include a limited range, inadequate dependability, and hefty installation costs. 

Bg-Fi is a Li-Fi system that consists of a mobile application and a basic consumer product, such as an IoT (Internet of Things) device, that includes a color sensor, microcontroller, and embedded software. The color sensor on the consumer goods receives light from the mobile device display and turns it into digital information. Light emitting diodes allow the consumer goods to connect with the mobile device in real time.

The communications cannot pass through walls or doors using the short wave radiation utilised by Li-Fi. This increases network security and makes it easier to manage network access. Access to a Li-Fi channel is limited to devices within the room as long as transparent objects like windows are covered.

Added an extra layer of tiny cells ('attocells') to wireless infrastructures. The averting of a radio frequency spectrum shortage (10,000 times more capacity). allowing for extremely high peak data rates (10 Gbps).

The Internet-of-Things (IoT) is being enabled (100 times more devices).Secure wireless communication has been significantly improved (reduced interception of signals).Enhanced energy-efficiency by combining data communication and illumination (100 times energy reduction) (100 times energy reduction).All health issues are completely gone.

The Metaverse imagination of mankind

 The name "metaverse" is a combination of the words "meta" and "universe." It's mostly used to allude to an upcoming future generation of the internet that's been dubbed Web 3.0. The growth of online 3-D or virtually integrated settings that give users with virtual reality and augmented reality experiences is predicted as the internet evolves.

Both existing and future integrated digital systems centered on virtual and augmented reality are referred to as the metaverse. It is widely regarded as the internet's next frontier, with the IT industry and other industries seeing it as a huge economic and financial potential.

Devices such as virtual reality headsets, digital glasses, smartphones, and other devices, according to the vision for the metaverse articulated by social media and technology companies, will allow users access to 3-D virtual or augmented reality environments where they can work, connect with friends, conduct business, visit remote locations, and access educational opportunities, all in an environment mediated by technology in new and immersive ways.

The metaverse encompasses a wide range of experiences. Instead, it refers to a series of immersive digital experiences that will be available to users in the future, allowing them to participate in a variety of activities in entirely digital environments. This may entail taking part in a big virtual reality 

multiplayer game using a VR headset, or experiencing integrated digital and physical settings such as location-specific immersive digital material from business visitors using digital glasses or smartphones.

The metaverse, then, is a collection of digital locations and experiences that are now being developed by corporations in order to provide more realistic and immersive digital encounters. From augmented reality collaboration platforms that can improve cooperation and integration to work productivity systems for remote teams that might, for example, allow real estate agents to organize virtual house tours, the technology has a wide range of possible applications. Some parts of the metaverse are currently implemented into internet-enabled video games like Second Life, Minecraft, and Fortnite. These games provide rich social and virtual experiences with a persistent virtual environment in which users from all over the world can participate at the same time. While not quite the same as virtual reality, the metaverse will provide more of it.

Many social media and tech corporations, like Meta Platforms (previously Facebook) and Microsoft, are significantly investing in Social VR in order to create platforms where people can interact socially or work remotely via platforms like Microsoft Teams.

Virtual Reality

A virtual world is a simulated environment that can be accessed by a large number of users who can use an avatar to explore the world concurrently and autonomously. The virtual environment provides the user with perceptual data as well as real-time activities and messages from other users, as well as their motions and gravity.

Virtual worlds are used in massive multiplayer online games to allow users to perform things like construct and alter the environment, as well as move between different areas inside the globe. Virtual worlds, according to those behind the metaverse, may be used for activities other than gaming, such as collaboration software and medical care. Synthetic worlds are another name for virtual worlds. A virtual reality headset presents realistic sights, sounds, and other sensations to a user within a virtual world. Virtual reality is now employed in video games, but it might also be used in virtual meetings, medical training, and military training in the future. Virtual reality equipment allows users to gaze around a virtual environment, move about it, and interact with items and other people.

Mixed reality

The merging of real and virtual worlds to provide new ways to engage with physical and digital environments and other users is known as mixed reality. You are not totally in the virtualworld or entirely in the real world in mixed reality; instead, you are somewhere along the 'virtuality continuum' between the actual and virtual worlds.

Place-specific simulations, such as 3D representations of charts or concepts projected to virtual reality headsets or glasses in a university lecture, or augmented reality in Pokemon Go, where users could see Pokemon they found in the real world via their mobile device's camera, are examples of mixed reality. Video games, education, military training, healthcare, and the integration of people and robotics are all possible uses for mixed reality.

Augmented Reality

In the same way that mixed reality offers an interactive method to explore real-world surroundings, augmented reality does the same. Augmented reality uses digital sensory enhancements such sights, sounds, sensory data, and olfactory data to improve the actual environment. The merging of real and virtual worlds, real-time interaction, and 3D renderings of both virtual and actual items are all elements of augmented reality. Allowing buyers to picture a product they are contemplating in an atmosphere that is similar to their own home is one example of how it may be used.

 Virtual Markets

The phrase "virtual economy" was initially applied to the trading or sale of virtual products in online games, especially large multiplayer online games. Players may buy products from each other and trade real money for game money in several of these games. Cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens can now be included in virtual economies. Many people predict that in the future, social media firms and other businesses will be able to develop their own virtual currencies, but authorities may limit their ability to do so.

Immersive virtual reality experiences, according to Meta Platforms, are the way people will connect on social media in the future. Meta's concept, on the other hand, is speculative and would rely on technology and server capacity that do not yet exist. It also anticipates widespread use of gear like virtual reality headsets and smart spectacles. Many firms will be developing the architectures, hardware, and software that will power the metaverse version of Web 3.0, hence the metaverse is predicted to revolutionise the IT industry. However, because the metaverse proposes to change things as simple as how consumers buy for groceries, navigate around a city, tour an apartment, and engage with businesses and advertisements as a consumer, it will also effect firms beyond the technological arena.

While it is unclear whether the metaverse's visions will come true or if the health, privacy, and regulatory concerns it has already raised will limit the scope of its implementation, it has the potential to disrupt a variety of industries and sectors by requiring them to spend more money on technology .

Renewable energy strategies for sustainable development


Renewable energy is defined as energy obtained from renewable sources. There are a variety of renewable energy sources available. Sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, biomass, geothermal heat, and so on are examples. These resources are refreshed on a regular basis and never run out.

Three primary technical advances are often included in Sustainable Energy Development Strategies: energy savings on the demand side, efficiency gains in energy production, and the substitution of fossil fuels with alternative renewable energy sources. As a result, strategies for integrating renewable sources into coherent energy systems influenced by energy savings and efficiency measures must be included in large-scale renewable energy implementation plans.

First and foremost, increasing the amount of renewable energy in the supply chain is a huge task. Renewable energy is seen as a valuable resource in many nations throughout the world, however as shown in, renewable energy accounts for less than 15% of worldwide primary energy supply, with hydropower and wood fuels accounting for the majority of renewable energy in poor countries. Renewable energy sources like wind and solar account for a very tiny portion of overall supply. However, there is a lot of promise. In certain places and nations, the percentage of renewable energy is much higher. The need for energy has risen dramatically in recent decades. There are two primary hurdles to renewable energy policies for long-term growth. The integration of a large percentage of intermittent resources into the energy system, particularly the power supply, is one problem. The other option is to incorporate transportation into the strategy. Based on the instance, explains the issues and proposes possible solutions to these problems.

 Since the first oil crisis in 1973, energy savings and efficiency improvements have been a key aspect of the country's energy policy. As a result, despite a 70% rise in GDP, it has been able to maintain the same primary fuel consumption for more than 30 years through energy saving and the growth of Combined Heat and Power (CHP) and district heating. Furthermore, renewable energy has replaced 14 percent of fossil fuels. Transportation and power use, as well as the heated room area, have all grown significantly during the same time period. It is possible toapply sustainable development plans that combine savings, efficiency improvements, and renewable energy sources. The Energy Agency analyzed the potential of renewable energy sources in 1996 as part of the data that forms the foundation of the energy strategy. Some potential appears to be overlooked. Offshore wind potential, which is highly dependent on technology advancement, is now greater and will continue to rise in the future as the size of wind turbines increases.

Traditionally, fossil fuels have been used to provide energy. It has relatively limited hydropower potential, and during the 1960s and 1970s, massive steam turbines near major towns dominated the electrical supply. However, during the first oil crisis, it rose to the top of the list in terms of CHP, energy saving, and renewable energy. As a result, the energy system has transformed from a position in 1972, when oil accounted for 92 percent of a total of 833 PJ, to today, when oil accounts for just 41 percent of 828 PJ. Transportation and power use, as well as the heated room area, have all grown significantly during the same time period. The percentage of power produced by CHP has increased in recent years. The combination of energy production from CHP and wind power is another issue. Until recently, CHP facilities were not run to balance variations in wind power, resulting in difficulties with excess energy output during periods of strong winds.

The Energy Agency established an expert panel in 2001 to look into the problem of surplus electricity generation caused by the high percentage of wind and CHP in the energy system. Aalborg University conducted a series of long-term energy system studies evaluating investments in more flexible energy systems for the year 2020 as part of the project. The EnergyPLAN energy system analysis computer model was used to conduct these assessments.

The analysis' goal is to see if a 100 percent renewable energy system is feasible, as well as to identify essential technology upgrades and implementation solutions.The EnergyPLAN energy system analysis model was used to compute all changes. As a result, each system's energy balance has been computed for each hour of the year, taking into consideration the intermittent nature of RES, capacity restrictions of flexible technologies, and ancillary service needs.TheEnergyPLAN model has been utilized in a number of other large-scale renewable energy integration assessments. The basic premise that sustainable development entails three main technological breakthroughs, namely energy savings on the demand side, is the beginning point for the study.

Improvements in energy efficiency, as well as the substitution of renewable energy sources for fossil fuels. As a result, the three technical developments listed below have been chosen for investigation.

Savings: A 10% reduction in the need for energy, district heating, and domestic and industrial heating.

Efficiency: A mix of increased CHP and improved efficiencies. CHP plants with better efficiencies have 50 percent electric production and 40 percent heat output. This can be accomplished in part by using fuel-cell technology, or in part by improving current steam-turbine/engine technologies. More CHP is defined as a conversion of 50% of individual dwelling and industry fuels into CHP, aided in part by district heating. It's worth noting that such technical advancements are minor in comparison to their full potential. As a result, it is both conceivable and reasonable to save more than 10% while also replacing more than 50% of energy with CHP, etc.

Flexible technologies: As savings, efficiency, and renewable energy become more essential, the problem of integration, as well as the issue of transportation, becomes more critical. According to a scenario outlined by Ris National Laboratory, oil for transportation is substituted by electric-city use. Vehicles that weigh less than 2 tons are converted into a hybrid of battery and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. 20.8 TWh of oil is replaced by 7.3 TWh of electricity in this scenario. The same ratio was used to convert the reference scenario's total oil consumption of 50.7 TWh into 17.8 TWh of electricity usage. Within a week, the electricity demand was made flexible, with a maximum capacity of 3500 MW.


Three primary technical advancements are often included in Sustainable Energy Development Strategies: energy savings on the demand side, energy efficiencygains in the production side, and the replacement of fossil fuels with diverse renewable energy sources. As a result, strategies for integrating renewable sources into coherent energy systems influenced by energy savings and efficiency measures must be included in large-scale renewable energy implementation plans.

When a significant proportion of intermittent resources are combined with CHP and savings, however, developing sustainable energy strategies becomes a question of introducing and expanding flexible energy technologies as well as constructing integrated energy system solutions. To promote additional sustainable growth, such technological advancements are essential. The EnergyPLAN energy system analysis model was used to compute all of the adjustments. The energy balance of each system was computed for each hour of the year, taking into consideration the intermittent nature of RES, flexible technology capacity restrictions, and ancillary service needs.The following system flexibility enhancements have been identified as critical to converting the energy system to a 100 percent renewable system.First, alternative forms of transportation must be substituted for oil. Given the scarcity of biomass in Denmark, alternatives based on electricity have emerged as critical technology. Furthermore, such technologies improve the possibility of incorporating wind power into auxiliary services such as voltage and frequency maintenance in the electrical supply.

The inclusion of small CHP plants in the legislation, as well as the addition of heat pumps to the system, is the next major point. Such technologies are particularly important since they allow for a change in the ratio of electricity to heat demand while still retaining CHP's excellent fuel efficiency.The third crucial element is to incorporate electrolysers into the system while also allowing for the addition of wind turbines to the voltage and frequency control of the power supply. The estimates reveal that by combining 180 TJ/yr of biomass with 5000 MW photovoltaics and between 15 and 27 GW of wind power, the Danish energy system may be changed to a 100 percent renewable energy system. In the reference, 27 GW of wind power is required, but with cost reductions and efficiency gains, the required capacity is lowered to roughly 15 GW.By adding 500 MW/yr, 15 GW of wind power may be achieved. Currently, Danish manufacturers produce over 3000 MW of wind energy each year.